Online Booking

Holiday Tips

Important information for your holidays in our 4-star Hotel Dreiflüssehof

Our amenities at a glance:

integrated restaurant with regional delicacies

free access to the Internet / Wifi

free parking directly at the hotel

free underground parking depending on availability

a joint *** and **** star hotel

from three nights onwards free bus tickets to the city center

students receive free breakfasts when parents staying with us

Children are very welcome
We offer you as follows:

children up to the age of 6 are free in the room with the parents

in the ages of 7 till 12 years there is a reduction of 30 %

tripple rooms and fourbed rooms

one family room: tripple room and single room with an extra bed connected with a door for up to 5 people

Babybed (cot) free of charge



Centre of Passau: 2,5 km

Train station: 2,5 km

Dreiländerhalle: 800 m

University: 2 km

Docks: 3 km

Peb (allyear swimming pool): 1 km

A3 exit Passau-Süd: 3 km

Cycle path Passau-Wien: 800 m